.. meta:: :description: Orange3 Textable Prototypes documentation, Redditor widget :keywords: Orange3, Textable, Prototypes, documentation, Redditor, widget .. _Redditor: Redditor ======== .. image:: figures/redditor_fig1.png :alt: First look at Redditor widget :align: center :height: 100px :width: 200 px Authors -------- Loris Rimaz, Olivia Edelman, Nahuel Degonda Signals -------- Inputs: None Outputs: * ``Segmentation`` Segmentation with segments for each post and comment in imported corpora Description ------------ This widget is designed to scrap one or more different types of content from Reddit, data is retrieved from ``. The widget outputs at least one segmentation with the the title and content of a post or subreddit, with the possibility to include or exclude comments and images. Segments in this segmentation have a number of annotations : .. csv-table:: :header: KEY, EXAMPLE VALUE :widths: 30, 30 Author, *cosmicnebula257* Id, *bp1ze4* Parent, *bp1ze4* Parent_type, *0* Posted_Unix, *1557946951.0* Posted_at, *2009-5-15 19:02:31* Score, *1* Title, *Random invites while AFK in the menu* Interface ---------- The **Redditor** widget lets the user select one or more posts or subreddits from the Reddit website``. The **Subreddit** mode allows the user to scrap the data of an entire subreddit. Users can sort the subreddits by: - *Hot* - *New* - *Controversial* - *Top* - *Rising* Users can also choose the amount of posts they want to upload to the widget. .. _subreddit_fig2: .. figure:: figures/subreddit_fig2.png :align: center :scale: 50 % The **Full Text** mode allows the user to upload/scrap from all of Reddit and not just specifically from a subreddit or a url. The **Full Text** mode has three filters. 1. The **Sort by** filter : *Relevance*, *Top*, *New*, *Comments*. 2. The **Time** filter : *All*, *Past day*, *Past hour*, *Past month*, *Past hour*. 3. The **Amount of posts** filter, just like in the **Subreddit** mode. .. _fullText_fig3: .. figure:: figures/fullText_fig3.png :align: center :height: 100px :width: 200 px :scale: 50 % The **URL** mode allows the user to search data by directly using the URL of a post or subreddit. .. _url_fig4: .. figure:: figures/url_fig4.png :align: center :height: 100px :width: 200 px :scale: 50 % The widget also has options available for all three modes. The **Include Images** option allows the user to choose wether or not he wants to include the images of certain posts and/or subreddits. The **Include Comments** option allows the user to choose wether or not he wants to include comments in his output. .. _include_fig5: .. figure:: figures/include_fig5.png :align: center :height: 100px :width: 200 px :scale: 50 % The **Add Request** button allows users to add multiple posts and/or subreddits to the basket in the **Selection** box. To select multiple files use the **Selection** box to add them to the basket. The **Send** button is used to send data to output. When the widget gets closed and re-opened, the content of it is saved. To delete this saved content, the user has to reset the widget settings. Messages --------- Information ~~~~~~~~~~~ * segments sent to output.* This confirms that the widget has operated properly. Warnings ~~~~~~~~ *Settings were changed, please click 'Send' when ready.* Settings have changed but the **Send automatically** checkbox has not been selected, so the user is prompted to click the **Send** button (or equivalently check the box) in order for computation and data emission to proceed. *The post found only contains images. Try to include images or comments.* The widget instance is unable to emit image to output because the user hasn’t checked the box for images *Please fill in the input box.* The widget instance is unable to emit data to output because the user hasn’t filled in the input box. Errors ~~~~~~ *Error in redirect, please make sure the subreddit name is correct.* An error has prevented the widget to download the data from Reddit, most likely because of a misspelling. *Subreddit not found.* An error has prevented the widget to download the data from Reddit, the subreddit was not found, might not exist, might be a user mistake. *No match for URL.* An error has prevented the widget to download the data from Reddit, the URL was not found, might not exist, might be a user mistake. *URL not found.* An error has prevented the widget to download the data from Reddit, the input was not in URL format.